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   The Steam Boat Association of Great Britain

Why a Privacy Notice & what is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and previous Data Protection Acts are intended to provide protection to individuals whose 'Personal Data' is processed by an organisation.  Since the SBA may collect and hold your name, address, etc., it counts as one of those organisations and must operate within the provisions of these Acts.

The Steamboat Association of Great Britain (SBA) complies with all legislation relating to data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This page provides some background information and linked to our GDPR Privacy Policy. which describes, in detail, the information we collect, how we use it and take care of it, and how you can control the information the SBA holds about you.

This page provides some background and overview of our data handling, but please refer to the GDPR Privacy Policy for full details.

The Steam Boat Association of Great Britain (SBA) is a members club whose objectives are to promote the various facets of the steam boating hobby.  These include 'messing about in (steam) boats' with like minded people, building boats and machinery, restoring boats and machinery, researching the history and artefacts of steam boating, and lobbying with other boating organisations for the interests of small boating and steam boats in particular.  Whilst we sell books, clothing and other 'stuff' for the benefit of members, the Association is not a trading organisation.  It is a not-for-profit organisation.

With what other organisations are we associated?

The SBA is associated with SBA Services Ltd (SBAS) a private company, limited by guarantee, which was set up by the SBA to organise the provision of boiler testing and other services for members. SBAS has a separate management structure to the SBA but, at AGMs, the SBA representatives have a majority of the votes.

The SBA is a member of the Inland Waterways Association, the Royal Yachting Association, Historic Ships, etc. and pays membership subscriptions to all those organisations. Through the European Co-ordinator, the SBA Committee is in official contact with most of the other steam boat association within Continental Europe

With whom do we share the personal data that we collect?

The SBA does not share the personal data that it collects with any other organisation, except SBAS.

What sort of processing is done with your information?

The personal data that you provide as a member is used to help the SBA achieve its objectives of promoting steam boating. For example; name and address data are required for the mailing list for Funnel; Names, e-mails and addresses are useful to Area Reps to know who is in their region and to welcome new members; Event organisers need personal details to send out information about their events; The Membership Secretary needs to have a range of communication media to be able to contact members about their subscription since SBA members are notorious for paying the wrong amount!

Most importantly for the camaraderie element of the Association, the Members are provided with contact details of all the other members

by the paper based Members Handbook and the equivalent service available through the secure members-only area of the SBA website so that they can network and communicate.

It may come as a surprise to know that, as a Member, when you have the paper version of the Handbook in your hand, you become a "data processor” under the terms of the Data Protection Act. Having it and using it requires you to take appropriate steps not to disclose other people's personal data to non-members, etc., and to store the document securely when not in use. You are also required to dispose of it in such a way as to not reveal the contents to others. Moving to the web-based Handbook in the secure Members Area gives you much the same level of responsibility. However, we are now requiring you to read the "Terms and Conditions of Use" and agree to them before you use the web-based Handbook.

Who has access to the personal data?

The Membership Secretary has full access to all Members' personal data on the membership database. Each Member has full access to his/her own personal data record on the membership database. The Member may edit any of the fields to enter corrections and updates. The Member can also set the particular elements of his/her record that will be available for the web based Members Handbook as s/he thinks fit. That could range from nothing to everything plus a picture of the family cat. This is a change from the situation with the paper based Members Handbook, in that everybody's name, address and phone number, etc. were all printed for every Member. It is hoped that Members will opt to provide at least as much information as was available in the old Handbook. If all Members were to withhold all their data the camaraderie element of the Association would take a severe hit as Members could never find out how to contact the other Members they have met at events, etc.

Other Officers of the Association have access to the data, but limited by their position in the organisation, on a need-to-know basis. For example, the Funnel Editor can call down a mailing list of names and addresses.

Further Questions

If you have any further questions about this Privacy Policy please contact the Secretary.

October 2011; Updated February 2012; July 2013, May2018.  (c) 2011 Steam Boat Association of Great Britain

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